11.11.2010 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.0 ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS were born. 21.12.2010 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.1 ----------------------------------- New icons: ok woman parents snowman translate pants sweater perfume ring medicinal_drink bullets grenade bomb podium leaf snowflake rugby flower sort cup car road cars roundabout church retweet pizza heating retweet2 presentation birthday cake sheriffs_star citation cake file save file open file minus file plus file remove instapaper evernote digg zootool dribbble deviantart read it later linked in forrst pinboard asterisk ----------------------------------- Changed/fixed icons: cutlery attach man user add user remove group address book vcard dog aiplane cogwheel settings gears cleaning magic bulb elektricity monitor heart facebook twitter ruler fast food remove 2 moon ok 2 lock unlock info circle plus circle minus screenshot refresh riflescope gift ----------------------------------- Redesigned: suitcase ruller ----------------------------------- Removed: window 13.02.2011 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.2 ----------------------------------- New icons: barcode qrcode boat sea_urchin fins starfish oxygen_bottle flip fishes scuba_diving snorkel_diving computer_network database_bann database_minus database_plus database_lock folder_new folder_flag folder_lock folder_minus folder_plus folder_open credit_card computer_proces computer_service computer_locked inbox_out inbox_in inbox_lock inbox_minus inbox_plus inbox message_new message_lock message_flag message_ban message_minus message_plus message_out message_in message_empty message_full behance picture cloud_service bus charts notes notes_2 stats ------------ Redesigned: snowflake envelope display home phone sun camera ------------ Changed/fixed icons: woman car cars cloud cloud_upload cloud_download alarm airplane ring settings imac bomb music ruller 11.05.2011 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.3 ----------------------------------- New icons: train 4square skitch youtube github pdf text presentation excel word stroller embed_closed embed list justify align_right align_center align_left right_indent left_indent text_resize text_width text_height text_strike text_underline bold italic font vector_path_all vector_path_curve vector_path_line vector_path_polygon vector_path_circle vector_path_square crop tint adjust table cargo wifi wifi_alt fire eye_close eye_open wind signal old_man wifi_alt credit girl ------------ Redesigned: heart camera pizza calendar podium translate ------------ Changed/fixed icons: suitcase ring behance evernote twitter_t facebook ring woman scissors ------------ Removed: battery_charge lab battery_75_percent computer_network grenade file_save file_open file_plus file_minus file_remove 07.08.2011 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.4 ----------------------------------- * added 100 GLYPHICONS Halflings - 12px icons New icons: quora google+ spotify stumbleupon readability drink wizard_hut treasure sand_time bow_and_arrow shield swords lantern skull mushrooms deaf beach_umbrella albums projector comments newspaper book_open ------------ Redesigned: wind lightbulb cd ------------ Changed/fixed icons: cleaning car fire microfon train camera luggage (suitcase in previous version) cake pizza medicinal_drink conversation pants sweater flower perfume cd ring credit sheriffs_ star ------------ Removed: starfish sea_urchin 20.12.2011 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.5 ----------------------------------- (All PNG files have been optimized by ImageOptim - http://imageoptim.pornel.net/) New GLYPHICONS: temple_islam temple_hinduism temple_buddhism cart_in cart_out keyboard_wired keyboard_wireless table_tennis pen hospital hospital_h history warning_sign spade tree_conifer tree_deciduous ax binocularis camera_small router webcam ear_plugs celebration baseball bownling pool buoy pie_chart xing tablet keys text_bigger text_smaller pot coffe_cup french_press grater kettle tea_kettle beer headset electrical_plug electrical_socket_eu electrical_socket_us circle_arrow_left circle_arrow_right circle_arrow_top circle_arrow_bottom fabric leather New GLYPHICONS Halflings: circle_exclamation_mark gift (22.01.2012 - replaced duplicated road symbol) leaf fire eye_open eye_close warning_sign plane calendar random comments magnet thin_top_arrow thin_bottom_arrow retweet shopping_cart folder folder_open resize_vertically resize_horizontally ------------ Redesigned: stumbleupon qrcode barcode church download_alt cutlery calendar phone sweater pants birthday_cake t-shirt book address_book bookmark ------------ Changed/fixed icons: fire microphone left_indent right_indent cargo cleaning ring oxygen_bottle fins scuba_diving medicinal_drink podium comments cup bullets translation picture direction boat cloud_service table rugby repeat iphone (there was a bug in file: "glyphicons_163_iphone@2x.png" - fixed 7.2.2012) ------------ Removed: pdf text presentation excel word snowman wind mushrooms perfume cd newspaper book_open swords bow_and_arrow deaf dice wizard_hut treasure sand_time lantern digg medicinal_drink translate citation log_file plus minus cloud_service cloud_upload cloud_download 11.04.2012 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.6 ----------------------------------- (All PNG files have been optimized by ImageOptim - http://imageoptim.pornel.net/) New GLYPHICONS: filter gamepad playing_dices sampler web_browser share piano candle turtle rabbit blog dashboard certificate calculator book_open iphone_shake pin_classic pin_flag tie wallet globe briefcase suitcase thumbs_up thumbs_down hand_right hand_left hand_up hand_down fullscreen shopping_bag hdd nameplate nameplate_alt vases announcement dumbbell file_import file_export bell pinterest dropbox google+_alt jolicloud yahoo blogger picasa amazon tumblr wordpress New Halflings: hdd announcement bell certificate thumbs_up thumbs_down hand_right hand_left hand_up hand_down circle_arrow_right circle_arrow_left circle_arrow_top circle_arrow_down globe_us wrench tasks_progress filter briefcase fullscreen ------------ Changed/fixed icons: circle_arrow_left circle_arrow_right circle_arrow_top circle_arrow_down settings fire table message_flag message_lock message_new folder_lock folder_flag folder_new tree_conifer 1.11.2012 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.7 ----------------------------------- * a new font format for GLYPHICONS * a new font format for GLYPHICONS Halflings * Halflings in vectors New GLYPHICONS: bicycle soccer_ball building life_preserver posterous_spaces instagram unchecked heart_empty eyedropper bug crown smoking cloud_upload cloud_download restart security_camera hand_saw collapse expand expand_top globe_eu globe claw_hammer classic_hammer nails spray badoo New Halflings: dashboard paperclip heart_empty link phone pushpin euro usd gbp sort sort_by_alphabet sort_by_alphabet_alt sort_by_order sort_by_order_alt sort_by_attributes sort_by_attributes_alt unchecked expand collapse collapse_top ------------ Redesigned: thin_right_arrow thin_left_arrow cogwheel cogwheels cogwheel (in Halflings) fullscreen boat ----------------------------------- Removed: computer_locked computer_service computer_proces web_browser twitter_t buzz google_plus 24.7.2013 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.8 ----------------------------------- * new website, including integrated search among all icons * GLYPHICONS Social are now a separate set of icons * 130 GLYPHICONS Filetypes in a new set of icons * simplified HTML/CSS code for all icons * all icons also as individual and paged PDF files ----------------------------------- New GLYPHICONS Social: vine myspace goodreads apple windows yelp playstation xbox android ios ----------------------------------- New GLYPHICONS Filetypes: txt doc rtf log tex msg text wpd wps docx page csv dat tar xml vcf pps key ppt pptx sdf gbr ged mp3 m4a waw wma mpa iff aif ra mid m3v 3gp shf avi asx mp4 3g2 mpg asf vob wmv mov srt m4v flv rm png psd psp jpg tif tiff gif bmp tga thm yuv dds ai eps ps svg pdf pct indd xlr xls xlsx db dbf mdb pdb sql aacd app exe com bat apk jar hsf pif vb cgi css js php xhtml html html asp cer jsp cfm aspx rss csr less otf ttf font fnt eot woff zip zipx rar tar sitx deb 7z pkg rpm cbr gz dmg cue bin iso hdf vcd bak tmp ics msi cfg ini prf ----------------------------------- New GLYPHICONS Halflings: log_in flash log_out new_window record save open saved import export send floppy_disk floppy_saved floppy_remove floppy_save floppy_open credit_card transfer cutlery header compressed earphone phone_alt tower stats sd_video hd_video subtitles sound_stereo sound_dolby sound_5_1 sound_6_1 sound_7_1 copyright_mark registration_mark cloud cloud_download cloud_upload tree_conifer tree_deciduous ----------------------------------- New GLYPHICONS: record message_forward coat_hanger dress bathrobe shirt underwear log_in log_out exit new_window_alt video_sd video_hd subtitles sound_stereo sound_dolby sound_5_1 sound_6_1 sound_7_1 copyright_mark registration_mark radar skateboard golf_course sorting sort-by-alphabet sort-by-alphabet-alt sort-by-order sort-by-order-alt sort-by-attributes sort-by-attributes-alt compressed anglepoise_lamp cloud_plus cloud_minus disk_save disk_open disk_saved disk_remove disk_import disk_export tower send git_branch git_create git_private git_delete git_merge git_pull_request git_compare git_commit construction_cone shoe_steps plus minus redo undo golf hockey pipe wrench folder_closed phone_alt earphone floppy_disk floppy_saved floppy_remove floppy_save floppy_open translate fax factory shop_window shop kiosk kiosk_wheels kiosk_light kiosk_food transfer money header blacksmith saw_blade basketball server server_plus server_minus server_ban server_flag server_lock server_new ------------ Redesigned: cloud cloud_upload cloud_download cutlery suitcase download_alt download_alt (in Halflings) ------------ Changed icons: boat oxygen_bottle bullets spade celebration french_press pot filter bell pushpin pin_flag hdd crown vases bullhorn dumbbell bomb ax baseball spray security_camera wallet podium smoking temple_christianity_church temple_islam credit_card nameplate nameplate_alt keyboard_wired keboard_wireless ----------------------------------- Removed: phone 28.1.2014 ========================================== GLYPHICONS 1.8.1 (minor update) ----------------------------------- * changes in UTF codes for better compatibility with some browsers * changes in the names of a few symbols ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS affected symbols: E003 dog E005 girl E011 camera E015 train E023 fire E032 bus E036 woman E046 calendar E056 stopwatch E063 paperclip E073 bookmark E204 lock E264 bank E290 bomb E291 skull E299 hospital E301 microphone E307 bicycle E316 bowling E334 bell E336 pushpin E339 turtle E340 rabbit E342 briefcase E361 bug E362 crown E383 dress E412 package E440 wrench E451 factory ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS changed names: coffe_cup ---> coffee_cup (misspelled name) cloud-download ---> cloud-upload (accidentally reversed names) cloud-upload ---> cloud-download ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS Halflings affected symbols: E033 lock E044 bookmark E046 camera E104 fire E109 calendar E123 bell E136 wrench E139 briefcase E142 paperclip E146 pushpin ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS Filetypes affected symbols: E018 key ----------------------------------- GLYPHICONS Social affected symbols: - none -